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Protect Your Entire Team

The Easiest Hotel Safety and Compliance Solution

Founded to increase workplace safety in the hospitality industry, ProSafe is the only room/area level accurate, geo-location and evidence gathering panic button platform currently available to hotels. The application’s interface is intended to be simple and easy to understand, while helping deliver better guest experiences, decreasing operational costs, and boosting brand reputation. All collected data is stored in a secure place and protected by a PIN code so only authorized staff members have access. Some notable platform features include:

ProSafe is a patented mobile and web application designed for easy compliance, without having to make a large investment in complex systems, hardware, or installations. Our solution is developed to get you compliant without sacrificing on features or risking the health and safety of your valuable staff.

ProSafe screenshot




Can be applied to a uniform



Serves as a 2-in-1 Master Key and Wearable Panic Button


Can be worn on the wrist

graphic of ProSafe buttons in white and blue
graphic of ProSafe buttons in black and blue


  • AI Housekeeping
  • Smart Analysis
  • Chat
  • Sync Team Alerts
  • Discreet Mode
  • Dark Mode
  • GEO Location

Audio-Visual Evidence

Your staff will be able to gather evidence related to an incident the moment the panic button is pressed by an associate. Audio and Video evidence will be saved on both the device and remote, secured servers.

Panic Button - Alarm

Add a layer of safety and peace of mind with ProSafe’s Panic Button. The alert will appear in the Admin Dashboard as well as alert other nearby users.

QR-RFID Location Reporting

  • ProSafe adds an extra layer of security and location reporting by using NFC-RFID technology
  • When in a hurry, just wave the device near the tag

Available on iOS and Android

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