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3 Key Technology Upgrades to Support Senior Living Staff

By 2040, the U.S. will be home to over 80 million adults ages 65 or older (NCAL, 2021). This projection is significantly higher than anything we’ve seen before, nearly doubling the 54 million we saw in 2019. As the nation’s elderly population grows, so does its demand for senior living staff and community support. Unfortunately, however, the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living found reported that 59 percent of senior living facilities have serious staffing shortages. Technology is the best way to combat the growing disparity between our nation’s needs and the lack of staff.

Technology upgrades to senior living facilities will support staff both directly and by empowering residents. It is essential to provide seniors with smart home technology. “Smart” devices include everything from sensors and IoT to cloud-based services to updated connectivity infrastructure and improved communication technology. WorldVue Digital Infrastructure has all-inclusive senior technology solution. Our solutions include remote access control, cloud-connected common area cameras, and water and leak sensors. Additionally, WorldVue brings reliable connectivity and property-wide internet to support seniors, staff, and both of the group’s devices. 

senior living resident smiling at staff member writing in notebook

Internet of Things – Increased Security and Privacy

The connected home is helpful for both staff and residents. With customizable technology solutions like access controls, seniors can customize their space and staff can gain access in the case of any emergencies. Remote access control is a great way to add an added level of comfort and privacy to residents while also restricting their access to certain spaces and notifying staff of abnormal movements. With remote access control by WorldVue, staff can use their personal devices to access rooms, storage areas, and technical spaces. Additionally, the system monitors and notifies management if there are any attempted breaches in security, especially from curious or wandering residents. Remote access control is a great addition to the technical support system of any senior living facility, but especially for those with residents who may have impaired mobility or memory.

Furthermore, WorldVue Digital Infrastructure provides residents and staff with not only physical security but cybersecurity as well. Our program takes care of resident information and restricts access to only authorized personnel. Additionally, because our common area cameras utilize a cloud-based recording platform, it is impossible for outsiders to gain access to the camera system and its database.

Property-Wide Internet – Improved Connectivity

Senior living facilities are increasingly dependent on Wi-Fi, both for staff and residents. Property-wide internet connectivity is essential to enhancing the resident experience and supporting staff devices.

Reliable internet is key to improving senior satisfaction and reducing feelings of isolation as residents can use their devices for video conferencing, social media networking, and long-distance phone calls. Connecting to property-wide internet is easy with InstaOn by WorldVue. Today’s residents can move in and simply plug in, without dealing with the hassle of selecting and connecting with local internet providers. The WorldVue InstaOn system reduces the stigma associated with Wi-Fi as it simplifies the process and ensures residents feel right at home immediately upon moving in. Additionally, the WorldVue Connectivity platform includes our 24/7/365 support team, ensuring seniors and staff are constantly connected, no matter what.

For staff, property-wide connectivity is absolutely essential. Senior living staff members need to have internet access at all times, both for their personal devices and to connect with one another in times of emergency. Safety situations are unavoidable, especially in senior living facilities where residents may have mobility issues or memory impairments. Ensure your staff is constantly connected with ImpruviX property-wide internet connectivity.

several senior living residents looking at content on a mobile phone

Digital Signage – Advanced Communication

Senior living staff and residents benefit from constant communication. WorldVue Digital Signage is a great way for staff to communicate with senior living residents. Digital signage is also a great way to speak to one another, regardless of where they are on the property. Digital signage improves communication throughout the facility, both in times of emergency and for day-to-day morale-boosting information and events. With updated event information, guests and residents alike can learn more about on-site meet-ups and gain insight into future community activities. Directional wayfinding is another great component of digital signage for visitors and residents, leading them to events on the property.

two senior living residents discussing content on a tablet

The digital signage platform by WorldVue is additionally advantageous for senior living facilities as displays can be interactive and immersive. Engage with residents in new and exciting ways, leaving helpful notes or details for upcoming events. Staff can easily update digital signage to feature updated menus or information about engagement opportunities. The property can also feature robust 4k videos to represent the desired image for visitors and prospective residents.

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