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Connectivity Revolution with 6 GHz and Wi-Fi 7

6 GHz Wi-Fi and the Future of Wireless Connectivity

As a technology company with a rich history in the property technology industry, our 48 years in business solidifies WorldVue as a credible source for technological commentary. Below are our predictions for wireless connectivity, emerging applications that will depend upon improved networks, and how this may transform our future…

Our lives benefit from secure, reliable, high-speed wireless connectivity. Technological advancements in wireless networking, user smartphones, wearables, sensors, and connected building systems are growing faster than we’ve ever experienced, and we expect this trend will continue. New ecosystems like immersive augmented reality, blockchain based asset management, and connected building systems will grow in prevalence, infiltrating all aspects of life and influencing the way we engage socially, relax comfortably, connect professionally, and advance financially.

As our dependence on robust and reliable connectivity grows, Wi-Fi systems need to advance to include high-quality, high-speed internet connections with minimal latency and high reliability. While it is impossible to predict the extent of tomorrow’s inventions we can assume that our dependence on internet connectivity will continue to grow. Most buildings are ill-equipped to handle the sheer volume of data and demand for reliable connections future applications will require. We believe that a technological revolution is here today.

On April 23, 2020, the FCC “unleashed” 1,200 megahertz in the 6 GHz spectrum band (5.925-7.125 GHz to be exact) for unlicensed use to largely benefit Wi-Fi use cases. This regulation marks the biggest technology leap for Wi-Fi since its invention. The benefits will be realized in the next generation of Wi-Fi standards starting with Wi-Fi 6E and closely followed by Wi-Fi 7. From a consumer standpoint (guest or resident) this advance will finally allow use-cases which, from the consumer standpoint, offer a complete wire replacement, with speeds, latencies, and reliability to provide transformative immersive mobile experiences.

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